It is important to buy wedding party gifts for two reasons. For one, these people are assisting you in preparation for your wedding (i.e. running errands, making phone calls) and you want to let them know you appreciate their time and support. Plus, you’ll want to thank them for their help in making your day special. It will show that you care about their feelings and what they have done for you.
Here we offer a few tips on what to get for members of your wedding party, and ways to personalize each gift.
What do I get for men?
You can get a watch or small bottle of cologne. You do not have to get the same gift for everyone. It is okay to match the gift to the person. Ex: If you know one groomsman likes sports, give a ticket(s) to a sporting event. If this is the first time you met the person, you will leave a good impression.
What do I get for women?
Women love to receive personalized gifts. Monograms look great on just about anything from cosmetic bags to wine glasses to silver jewelry. The key is to find something that appeals to your bridesmaid’s personality and make it uniquely here own with a monogram.
What should I get for someone under 18?
Giving a gift to make the young person feel like a part of the day would be nice. Finding gifts for younger members of your wedding party takes a bit more thought, but it’s not hard to find something for the Gen Z crowd. It is okay to get them something they will like and enjoy, like free admission to a recreation center. Remember to make the gift appropriate for the age of the child or teenager.
When gift giving, remember it is your wedding and you have to do what is comfortable for you and your budget.
Lisa Williams is the owner of Ribbon Gift Collections – Amway Global Affiliated IBO, an online gift boutique for special occasions.