Perhaps one of the most important orders of business when planning your wedding is to make sure you and your fiance are on the same page when it comes to your future and the decisions you will make together as a team. The Family Lifeline, a non-profit organization dedicated to education and mentoring programs that strengthen youth, marriages, families, and our communities by building healthy relationships is now offering their Premarital Education class called
From Me to We
Saturday, June 22, 2013
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
This is an awesome opportunity to get to know your significant other on another level before you take your next big step.
Here are a couple reasons why this class would greatly benefit you and your loved one.
Couples who get premarital education experience half of the divorce rate compared to couples who do not.
Pre-marital education is also known as marriage insurance.
( We all know how important insurance is!)
Premarital education can help you make a good decision on whether to marry or not to marry.
Premarital education teaches effective communication and help you to understand each other.
Premarital education will help you begin your marriage with the skills you need to make your marriage successful.
If you are looking for someone to marry you, the family lifeline can help with that! Attend one of our premarital classes and you are eligible for one of our licensed clergy to marry you!
The class is only $50 per couple!
To register call 505.891.1846 or visit