Although our Perfect Wedding Guide team is centered in New Mexico, we like to keep up with everything wedding from all over! Nick and Andy had their mid-west wedding in Minnesota last year, and we were inspired by the warmth and love that was captured. Coppersmith Photography caught it all on camera and commented with excitement, “After being together for over a decade, Andy and Nick finally were able to say ‘I-Do!’ legally!”
Take a peek at a small, but life-changing, part of Nick and Andy’s love story…Nick & Andy
Wedding Date: June 21, 2014
Maple Grove Community Center | Maple Grove, Minnesota
// Photographer: Coppersmith Photography // Caterer: Lookout Bar and Grill // Band: Maiden Dixie // Other Location: Maple Grove Community Center // Other: Maple Grove Town Green // Musicians: Sharon Planer Music // Submitted via Two Bright Lights //
Thank you Erin Whitlock Brown for sharing this on Head Over Heels! Wishing Andy and Nick a lifetime of happiness and joy! For more on wedding and wedding planning visit!