Here at Perfect Wedding Guide, the end of the year means planning, preparing, and jumping for joy because we get to learn about all of the upcoming trends for next year! We would by lying if we told you that we aren’t a little sad to see 2019 go, though. This year was definitely one for the books, filled with the most beautiful weddings and exciting wedding shows & events. We loved hearing all of your perfect wedding stories and having the honor of sharing them with other brides and grooms that are looking for some inspiration.
As our pinky promise to you, we will continue to provide you with the most current and trendy tips and inspiration each and every year because we think you’re the best. We are so eager to share what is in store for next year that we are going to give you some insider knowledge right now that the Perfect Wedding Guide team picked up at this year’s Wedding MBA Conference in Las Vegas. Yesterday we hosted our annual Wedding MBA Recap Breakfast at The Event Center at Sandia Golf Club and got to hear some notable takeaways from our fellow local wedding professionals that also attended the conference.
We thought that we would have a little fun with this one and look back at some of the decade’s biggest wedding trends while introducing the future forecast for wedding trends in 2020.
First, the oldies, but goodies.
2019 | Private ceremony + elopement locations

2019 | Animals in weddings

2019 | White weddings

2019 | Pastels, pinks, and blushes

2019 | Pear-shaped rings

2019 | Romantic lighting rentals

2019 | Unique venues

2019 | Specialty cakes

And now for the upcoming trends for 2020!
2020 | The “Roaring 20s” (of course)

2020 | Bright & bold pops of color

2020 | Ceiling installations

2020 | Textures

2020 | Greens + grasses

2020 | Mirrored floors

2020 | Cake backdrops

2020 | Texture, minimalism, capes, and beyond

2020 | Donuts, mini cakes, & tall cakes

2020 | Sustainability

So there you have it, a decade of trends and some new ones to welcome to the table. We’re ready for you, 2020!
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