Was it Winston Churchill who said, “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give,” so many years ago? We’re sure it was, and we’re even more sure that he’s still absolutely right. Giving back to the community who supports our dreams has been and will always be […]
Cello for Weddings: Vendor Spotlight
When the day finally arrives — yes, you know which day we’re referring to — the whole rest of the world melts away. Or at least it does when your wedding is coordinated by local professionals who have dedicated their talents to making dreams come true. The details, the timing, everything is handled. So, really, […]
5 Benefits Of A Limo Hire Perth For Your Wedding {Guest Post!}
A very special thank you to Allure Limousine for sharing some of their vast knowledge with us, and now you! One of the most significant milestones in any person’s life is getting married. It’s more than just a ceremony; it signifies the beginning of your lives together. That’s why a majority of couples put a […]
Wedding Details Big and Small: Occasion Services Spotlight
You’d think that after watching the magic unfold from the Occasion Services & Events team at so many of our wedding shows, we’d be a little bit used to it by now, right? Wrong. Even via the digital world, we still find ourselves trying to catch our breath when we stumble across one of the […]
Story Time: Local Business Spreading Love
Being surrounded by proposals, engagements, weddings, ceremonies — and the business owners who make all those magnificent things possible — means that here at Perfect Wedding Guide, we’re never worried about any shortage of love. How lucky is that?! And because we feel so blessed, we do our darnedest to make sure we’re constantly showing […]
World’s Cutest Wedding Subscription Box
It’s true! We do hereby declare, with as much authority we can muster as a national wedding magazine, that Perfect Wedding Guide’s Wed Box is the cutest wedding subscription box in the world. And yes, the adorability scale is wildly subjective and dependent on each engaged couple’s personal taste, but that’s alright. Even if you, […]
First Day of Forever: New Mexico Love Story
As you probably well know by now, our Perfect Wedding Guide team is positioned between the local wedding professionals, and the engaged couples who work with them. So we’re often bouncing back and forth from brides to businesses — which, of course, we consider a lucky pendulum. But, every so often when the stars align, […]
Albuquerque Wedding Planner Spotlight: NJR Event Planning
Whether you’ve been carefully crafting a collection of Pinterest boards (plural) dedicated to your upcoming wedding, or you’re hoping to leave the details of the day up to fate — every newlywed-to-be could use a hand with the whole process. Though we are lucky to be living in the digital age, so a healthy portion […]
Santa Fe Celebration: Real Wedding with Maura Jane Photography
Caitlin + Justin, the newlyweds that we mistakenly took for models at first, grabbed our intrigue with the obvious love they have for one another. It nearly jumps off their wedding photos, and Maura Jane Photography captured the essence of their celebration to a stunning degree of accuracy. When Maura shared the details of their love story with us, too, we were absolutely sold, and knew we had to pass on the madly-in-love vibes to our fellow wedding nerds.
2018 Four Seasons Connection Luncheon Recap
Okay, so maybe we’re a bit nostalgic, but is that so wrong? Especially since we’re only a few days into 2019, and here in New Mexico, 2018 was one of Perfect Wedding Guide‘s best years yet. We had wedding shows, luncheons, and parties galore, plus relationship building, contest-throwing, giant giveaways, and more. The only way […]