The Family Lifeline is now offering “Financial Peace University” Classes

The Family Lifeline is now offering classes every tuesday starting tomorrow January 21, that can help you and your significant other achieve your financial goals by showing you how to eliminate debt, save for the future, and give like never before. You will be challenged and motivated to make a plan for your money and […]

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Are you Ready to Attend a Bridal Fair? by Guest blogger Ashley Kerns

It was just yesterday that we were thinking that it would be nice to feature guests on our blog from time to time. The same day (amazingly) Marketing Manager of Suits Unlimited  Ashley Kerns wrote us about an article she put together for brides to be more prepared and feel “less overloaded” when it comes […]

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Engagement/ Wedding Photo Pick of the Week- Dry Heat Photography

I picked this weeks wedding photo by Dry Heat Photography because it had a couple of important things I look for in a successful photo. For one the photographer captured movement which gives the photo a very candid feel as opposed to a staged look. I love that the couple are outside with the elements using […]

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Three wedding steps to a dream wedding

When it comes to wedding planning, many brides- and grooms-to-be quickly get frazzled when they look at their massive to-do list. However, it is possible to have a dream wedding. It is important to come to terms with the budget before anything else, because once that is decided, the bride and groom are one step closer […]

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