{Make your big day a vacation!} If you are planning a summer wedding why not make it a little easier on friends and family by planning it on a holiday to help alleviate the stress of them having to get time off of work. For example this year Memorial Day lands on a Monday {May […]
Wedding/Engagement Photo Pick of the Week- Kevin’s Photography
Hello again everyone. Check out this engagement photo done by Kevin’s Photography in Albuquerque! I thought this was great example of a successful engagement photo for a couple of reasons. First of all the location is so fun! The fact that this couple is just hanging out in a bight red airplane makes it very […]
Wedding planning: Unique Ideas for the Creative Bride and Groom
Weddings are continually evolving thanks to trends going in and out of style. However, when it finally comes to your wedding planning, you may be wondering how to make your event stand out among the many nuptials your friends and family attend. Here are a few unique wedding ideas for the bride- and groom-to-be […]
Beauty tips for Brides who decide to do their makeup themselves on their big day.
The big day is fast approaching and you have completed the vast majority of items on your wedding checklist. Your beautiful wedding dress fits perfectly and you have decided on a hairstyle – now it’s time for makeup. Here are some beauty tips for those who decided to do their makeup themselves on their big […]
Valentine’s Day Themed Wedding Ideas
First of all, Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone! In the spirit of Valentines day I thought I would share some “cupid” inspired wedding details that I found while browsing. I thought they may be great inspiration for brides planning 2014 Valentine’s day nuptials. What a great day to celebrate a couples love-right? I found this valentines day […]
Check out Perfect Wedding Guide’s Mobile App!
Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well and I hope that your wedding planning ventures are coming along perfectly. As some of you may know we have recently launched our Perfect Wedding Guide mobile app and I cannot stress enough how awesome it is! Recently I downloaded the app for myself just to check it […]
We ♥ Vintage
For some reason I am really drawn to vintage style everything- especially at weddings . It could be because vintage style gowns and decor translate to photographs in a very profound way or because I was born in the wrong decade! Whatever the case may be- vintage has really moved from being a trend to […]
5 Tips Tuesday- Everything Wedding!
Hello everyone! I thought Tuesdays may start being a perfect day to offer at least 5 helpful tips to get your wedding planning moving right along. It is always good to think outside of the box and do something a little different to make YOUR day-extra special♥ My first tip is to you is, […]
5 Memorable Save The Date Concepts!
So you have the perfect guy, the date set and wedding planning in progress , what to do next? Send out your “save the dates”, hurry ! Sending out your save the dates early can be super helpful for people especially those who live out of town and may even end up being be the […]
Are you Ready to Attend a Bridal Fair? by Guest blogger Ashley Kerns
It was just yesterday that we were thinking that it would be nice to feature guests on our blog from time to time. The same day (amazingly) Marketing Manager of Suits Unlimited Ashley Kerns wrote us about an article she put together for brides to be more prepared and feel “less overloaded” when it comes […]